Chinenye and her husband never believed in investments because, they prefer their money sitting in the bank, which they consider safer than money risked/invested.

Over time her husband secured a job in a financial institution and started questioning this perception. Sola decided to take a risk appetite test and based on his low appetite risk result, investment experts helped him discover investments with little or no risk…

Why you should know about asset management

Everyone is exposed to some type of risk every day – whether it’s from driving, walking down the street, investing, capital planning, or something else, so why not just go all out. Risk appetite is the level of risk a person is prepared to accept in pursuit of his objectives. Risk is an important component in assessment of the prospects of an investment. Most investors while making an investment consider less risk as favorable.

Understanding Dips and Valleys

When you start investing in any market, your first step should be determining your risk appetite or how much investment risk you can handle. Each investor has a unique risk profile that determines their willingness and ability to withstand risk.

An investor’s personality, lifestyle, financial goal and age are some of the top factors to consider for individual investment management and risk purposes. Your risk appetite can rise and fall along your investment timeline, which measures both your age and how much time you have in reaching your financial goal. For example, the older a person is, the more likely their risk tolerance decreases, because they have less time to recover any money lost.

No gains without risk

...Currently, Sola earns at least 5% more from his investment in addition to his salary. Stop doubting today, take a risk appetite test and discover amazing investment deals to help you double your money while asleep. Contact Redwood powered by Creditville to speak with an asset management expert.